In Kenya, approximately 82% of the population cooks with biomass (wood and charcoal).
Kencoco makes and sells charcoal briquettes from recycled agricultural coconut waste (coconut shells, husks) and charcoal fines left over from destructive charcoal trade. The charcoal briquettes are a viable low-cost alternative to environmentally damaging fuels such as firewood, kerosene and wood charcoal.
Kencoco’s briquettes are more affordable than most existing fuel, efficient since they have a higher calorific value and have long burning and heat content. They are user-friendly, clean and smokeless. The coconut waste briquettes serve the community with a source of clean energy and reduce deforestation.
We train farmers to carbonize their coconut waste on-site, we then buy/barter the char to process into charcoal briquettes.
In 2020, we are beginning exports to the UK.
Through 2020 and 2021, we expect to increase production from 40 t/month to 100 tons/month by expanding our processing of char by setting up these carbonization kilns (cost $ 30.000) in the three major coconut producing areas, and acquire a larger charcoal extruder ($15,000), a larger truck ($40,000).