90% of Ugandan energy comes from biomass fuel with only 1% from electricity. Charcoal production in Uganda is estimated at 0.85 million tons per year. This high consumption can no longer be sustainable, requiring cutting down of 75 million trees annually.
Green Charcoal Uganda manufactures carbonized and non-carbonized briquettes from palm kernel husks, rice husks, coffee husks, and other agricultural wastes, creating sustainable products that replace both charcoal and firewood.
Weworks together with smallholder farmers who char their agricultural waste using locally fabricated carbonizers provided by us. They sell part of the char to us and we use it to manufacture our charcoal briquette. They also use the other part of the char to make their own briquette from the modified briquette extruder using a locally available binder, cassava paste.
There are over 850,000 urban household in Uganda and each consuming at least 1 ton of charcoal annually, plus schools, hospitals and other light industries depend on firewood as their main source of energy. In the neighboring Kenya, the situation is even worse since there is a ban on charcoal burning there.
In 2018 we produced over 500 tons, earning $98,500 in revenue and saving 40,000 trees.
Our aim is to raise our production to over 4,500 tons by 2022, earning $1 million, saving 500,000 trees, and that would still be less than 1% of the biomass fuel demand in Uganda.
Site Visit (2019)
Demo Day (2018)
Podcast (2021)
Listen to “Geoffrey Okoth Yoga – The Opportunity is Community” on Spreaker.Pictures (2021)