“Roughly one-third of the maize produced in the world for human consumption every year, approximately 1.3 billion tones are wasted. These losses are particularly unfortunate in Africa where 220 million people are estimated to be undernourished”. – United Nations
Every smallholder farmer knows the success of his crop depends on the quality of inputs, from the best seeds to proper irrigation and smart fertilizer use yet they cannot afford the best available options due to low income and further financial constrains.
Neither does every smallholder farmer have access to a market for his or her output. This is one of the main causes for the high post-harvest losses as well as a cause for sufficient outputs within Africa to feed the 1+ billion Africans.
The Goldenpot solution combines training, ongoing agronomist support, quality inputs and a market for outputs to smallholder farmers in Manyara Arusha, Tanzania.
We do this today with over women 300 farmers and have a waiting list to grow that network to 1,500 farmers in the next few years.
In addition, our roadmap includes more storage and processing of the maize to increase its value. We aim to be the first domestic producer of corn flakes in Tanzania as well as instant baby food.
We are growing to train and increase the incomes of our 1,500+ smallholder farmers, to employ over 50 youth and women in the office and factory and generally increase the food supply hence food safety in Manyara Arusha and Tanzania at large.