
Ziweto Enterprise – Animal Feed

Ziweto Enterprise, factory

Ziweto Enterprise now manufacturers animal feed concentrates in Lilongwe, Malawi, helping lower the cost of animal feeds for smallholder farmers in Malawi, making livestock more affordable to more farmers.

OBRI Africa

OBRI logo

Tanzania contributes over a third of all the sunflower seeds produced in Africa yet over half of the cooking oil is imported, costing the country over 120 million USD each year. OBRI Tanzania works directly with smallholder sunflower growers to process and supply high quality, healthier and affordable sunflower cooking oil targeting low-income families in Tanzania who constitute about 80% of the...

Green Charcoal Uganda

Green Charcoal Uganda logo

90% of Ugandan energy comes from biomass fuel with only 1% from electricity.  Charcoal production in Uganda is estimated at 0.85 million tons per year.  This high consumption can no longer be sustainable, requiring cutting down of 75 million trees annually. Green Charcoal Uganda manufactures carbonized and non-carbonized briquettes from palm kernel husks, rice husks, coffee husks, and...


Obamastove logo

Obamastove was founded in 2007 by an Ethopian refugee, who as a teenager was saved from the fighting and famine at home, fled to Kenya and then was brought to the United States.  Rather than remitting cash back to his family, as is the norm, he decided to set up a cookstove company, creating jobs and income for his whole community. Many years later, the company has grown beyond everyone’s...

Boka Eats

Boka Eats logo

Kenyan chickens consume over 900 thousand tons of feeds per year.  Total demand is estimated at 1.4 million tons, left unfilled due to lack of domestic production and high costs. This disparity is greater in the more rural part of Kenya.  In Kisii Country, demand is estimated at 80,000 tons, but only 14,000 tons are consumed. Boka Eats has the potential to meet all of this demand, plus...

Paniel Meat Processing

PMP logo

“When talking about malnutrition [in Africa], it is estimated that [malnutrition] is the underlying cause of 35% to 40% children’s deaths” – The World Health Organization Malnutrition is not just a lack of calories, it is caused by a lack of protein and essential amino acids, both most easily supplied with meat. The problem isn’t a lack of nutritional knowledge, it is a lack of affordable...


Kencoco logo

In Kenya, approximately 82% of the population cooks with biomass (wood and charcoal). Kencoco makes and sells charcoal briquettes from recycled agricultural coconut waste (coconut shells, husks) and charcoal fines left over from destructive charcoal trade. The charcoal briquettes are a viable low-cost alternative to environmentally damaging fuels such as firewood, kerosene and wood charcoal...


Agromyx logo

Post harvest food losses and waste is a major problem in the food and agriculture industry in sub-Saharan Africa. It is estimated that every year almost 50% of fruits and vegetables, 40% of roots and 20% of cereals are lost. This especially affects smallholder farmers and the food industry in general. It results in seasonal shortages and price hike African agriculture has long been a symbol of...


Goldenpot logo

“Roughly one-third of the maize produced in the world for human consumption every year, approximately 1.3 billion tones are wasted. These losses are particularly unfortunate in Africa where 220 million people are estimated to be undernourished”. – United Nations Every smallholder farmer knows the success of his crop depends on the quality of inputs, from the best seeds to proper irrigation and...

Honey Products

Honey Products logo

In Malawi, of the 200 tons of honey demanded yearly only 60-90 tons is supplied domestically, creating a deficit of 110 ton, $1 million USD trade deficit. Meanwhile Malawi is an agricultural country with a potential to not only meet its domestic demand but at the same time to export $10+ million annually to neighboring countries and into the global honey market. Farmers are not utilizing this...

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