The original business model at Paniel Meat Processing was for 100% of the animals to be raised by Rwandan smallholder farmers. The “high class” problem in the last year is that demand increased so quickly that the only reasonable path was to build out some in-house animal production, starting with chickens. A hatchery for day-old chicks, six chicken houses, and an abattoir. Enough...
Ziweto Enterprise – Animal Feed
TRUK’s wide reach
Two years ago, Paniel Meat Processing spun out its logistics department into a standalone logistics company, TRUK, serving other food/ag companies in Rwanda. Two years later, they are not just moving food around Rwanda, but all across Eastern Africa, from Kampala in Uganda to Nairobi and Mombasa in Kenya, out to the port of Dar es Salaam in Tanzania along with Arusha, Dodoma, Mbeya, and Songara...
Amuria Honey
Saving and investing in seeds – Agro Supply
Most of us are used to savings and investments being the realm of banks and brokers. But for the masses in Uganda (and Sub-Saharan Africa) the banks are too far and too expensive and the local currencies a poor way to save. Instead, savings often take the form of bricks to build a home or a few chickens to feed the children or now with Agro Supply, seeds for the next planting season...
East Africa Fruits
More than 48% of the produce grown is wasted in Tanzania, amounting to over 4.7 million tons of food that would have otherwise been income to farmers. This is due to post-harvest losses suffered by smallholder farmers resulting from poor farming, transport and storage mechanisms. Much of this is due to farmers’ lack of access to markets, which makes them rely on middlemen. Usually it takes two to...
OBRI Tanzania
Tanzania contributes over a third of all the sunflower seeds produced in Africa yet over half of the cooking oil is imported, costing the country over 120 million USD each year. OBRI Tanzania works directly with smallholder sunflower growers to process and supply high quality, healthier and affordable sunflower cooking oil targeting low-income families in Tanzania who constitute about 80% of the...
Chicken Basket
Western Kenya consumes 400,000 chickens every day, but only 20% is locally produced. The rest are produced elsewhere in Kenya or imported from Uganda. Chicken Basket works directly with smallholder poultry farmers through aggregation, processing and distribution of chickens into the local market. We train farmers on sustainable and commercialization of poultry farming, the vetenary officer must...
Swahili Honey
More than 70% of Tanzanians live in rural areas and they depend on agriculture to survive. The drying climate, unstable market prices for their produce, and lack of access to local and global markets are the main three challenges keeping these farmers in the cycle of poverty. Swahili Honey is a sustainable beekeeping and honey production brand that aggregates and sells high quality honey produced...
Ziweto Enterprise
Ziweto Enterprises improves lives by raising the value of livestock, providing smallholder farmers access to quality and affordable veterinary and animal nutrition products through its network of “Ziweto Agrovet Shops” In Malawi, smallholder farmers lose 30% of their farm animals to preventable diseases. Farmers lack access to reliable and affordable animal health services, often trekking long...