Uganda is an agricultural economy, 89% of the citizens are smallholder farmers creating 69% of the GDP.
Smallholder farmers spend a considerable share of their income on inputs, plus quite a lot of additional debt. Limited capital and poor access to agricultural inputs clearly constrains farmer productivity
Limited capital leave farmers’ income and livelihood at risk from drought, floods, locusts, and other disasters, and does not provide farmers an ability to pursue higher income opportunities when they arise.
Agro Supply addresses these issues with a mobile layaway savings platform that allows farmers to save and invest in farming inputs without having to take on debt.
In addition, Agro Supply provides the training farmers need to grow their way out of hunger and poverty.
Instead of giving handouts, we invest in farmers to generate a gain in farm income.
In 2019 this service served 7,000 smallholder farmers directly, distributing 45,000 kgs of inputs. By the end of 2021 we will supply over 25,000 smallholder farmers across Uganda distributing more than 100,000 kgs of inputs.
60 Decibels Impact Report (2023)